Reverse Vending
RVM Systems
First RVM in a UK Supermarket
First UK Retail Deposit Return Scheme
First Reverse Vending in Scotland
30 years in the UK

Deposit Return Scheme
Instant Recognition system
24/7 Online Monitoring
360° degree sensing field 9900 scans per second

Reverse Vending Automated Recycling
We have 32 Years Reverse Vending Experience
We design Reverse Vending Systems for your needs

Reverse Vending.
There are over 100,000 Reverse Vending Recycling Machines installed throughout the Globe.
Reverse Vending Systems
Reverse Vending Machines, (RVM's) are automated machines that utilise advanced technology to identify, sort, collect and process used beverage containers.
installation and Maintenance
Reverse Vending provides a total environmental reverse vending recycling solution package including design and installation,regular maintenance services and full waste management services.
Recycle and Reward
Reverse Vending offer a range of dynamic initiatives designed to increase the value of the recycling experience for the host and the user. We have 32 Years Experience.
Reverse Vending
Reverse Vending is an International company that specialise in reverse vending systems,design,installation,material recovery and recycling, through its experienced management team in RVM Systems technology,recycling and waste management.

Retail: Deposit Return Scheme
6th June 2018 - Industry First - Scotland
Scotland's First ever Supermarket Reverse Vending Machine installed with Iceland Foods
- Industry First !
- Supermarket Deposit Return
- First in a Supermarket in Scotland
- Scotland's 1st RVM in Supermarket

Client : UK Retail - 2018
18th May 2018 - Industry First - UK
18 May, 2018 – Reverse Vending and Iceland became the first to install Reverse Vending in store in support of the Government’s recently announced intention to introduce a Deposit Return Scheme in England.
- Another First for Reverse Vending
- We installed the 1st in UK
- UK Retail First installation
- Reverse Vending with Iceland
Client : UK Retail - 2018
July 2018
Reverse Vending and Morrisons start a deposit return scheme trial for the return of single-use plastic bottles in two UK stores.
- First Reverse Vending installed in Yorkshire
- First to reward with loyalty points
- East Kilbride and Skipton stores
- Option to donate to CLIC Sargent charity
Client : Another First " Tesco
Client : Retail 2018
27th September 2018
Reverse Vending UK have installed a Reverse Vending Machine with Tesco Stores;
- Tesco undertake Reverse Vending "pilots" !
- Reverse Vending with 360 degree recognition
- First in Borehamwood
- Charity donate option or points
- Proven Deposit Return Technology
Visit Web Site
Client : Government/Education
Reverse Vendng Wales
100% positive response.
Reverse Vending introduced Reverse Vending to the Education Sector in the UK. "Recycling On the Go" WRAP Project October 2014.
- Recycle on the Go Wales funding
- First reVend 800 RVM in UK
- WRAP Cymru Government funded Project
- First in the Wales
Concept to Design 2018
Reverse Vending - Design and Build
You design it, we build it !
Reverse Vending are able to design and create a bespoke Reverse Vending Recycling Solution to your requirements (subject to terms).
Visit Web Site
Client : Corporate Offices
Corporate Offices - Skyscraper
Reverse Vending were chosen as the supplier for the design and supply of a large order of Reverse Vending Machines for a Corporate Head Quarters.
The client stated " This is the Gold Standard of Recycling".
Contact Us
Client : Government - 2013 - 2016
Zero Waste Scotland - 2016
January 2013 to April 2016
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment Richard Lochhead opened the Reverse Vending "Recycle and Reward" Reverse Vending Machines at a store Edinburgh and Glasgow. Installed for over 3 years with no break downs,100% positive response from customers and staff. Now removed from site.
- Scottish Green Apple Award Winner
- Design and Build
- Reverse Vending Awards
- Ross Burns"Young Recycler of the Year"
Reverse Vending Awards
Reverse Vending Industry Awards
Reverse Vending have been nominated and won more awards for innovation, design and installing Reverse Vending than any competitor in the industry.
- Green Apple Award Winner 2014
- Carbon Trust Standard Winner 2014
- Young Recycler of the Year 2013
- Scotland "Gold" Green Apple Award 2013
- "Gold" Green Apple Award 2012
- Sound Impact Awards
- Co-operative Society Awards
Client : - Retailer
Light Bulb Recycling Machine
November 2010 to December 2017
Installed for over 7 years with no downtime, 100% positive response from IKEA customers and staff. All machines Removed in December 2017 at the request of IKEA UK
Reverse Vending invented and designed the technology to enable the safe collection of CFL (mercury containing) Domestic Light Bulbs from customers. the customers receive a reward for each light bulb recycled.
- UK Gold Green Apple Award winner 2012
- Service Industries Innovation Award 2013
- Invent and Design 2013
- First in the World 2010
Products : Branding & Incentives
Dynamic Recycling Incentives 2018
Recycle and Reward,Turn Recyling into Rewards
Reverse Vending offer a range of dynamic initiatives designed to increase the value of the recycling experience for the host and the user.
We are able to work in Deposit Systems and Non Deposit Systems.
- Recycle and Reward
- Branding of RVM's
- Auditable Recycling Statistics
- Online "remote" Voucher changes
- Increase Sales
Reverse Vending
Reverse Vending have over 32 Years Reverse Vending Experience
Reverse Vending provides a full range of corporate and sustainable development services to the private and public sector including reviews,seminars, appraisals, benchmarking and management systems.Â
Through the capabilities of its Reverse Vending Reverse Vending technology, Reverse Vending  offer a range of dynamic initiatives designed to increase the value of the recycling experience for the host and the user.
Reverse Vending are able to design and create a bespoke Reverse Vending Recycling Machine to your requirements (subject to terms).
The New 2018 Range of Reverse Vending Reverse Vending Machines will help to increase national recycling rates and assist companies and organisations comply with their recycling targets and environmental recycling obligations. Recycle Scotland Recycle Scotland
In most cases Revend Reverse Vending Machines are used in markets that have deposits on beverage containers, offering a highly efficient method of identifying the deposit amount of each container returned and providing a refund to the customer. ? read more
Reverse vending machines, (RVM’s) are automated machines that utilise advanced technology to identify, sort, collect and process used beverage containers.
Reverse Vending is the leading designer and operator of reverse vending machines that utilise advanced technology to identify sort collect and process used beverage containers.
Reverse Vending Machines
This "proven" technology has been used for over four decades, these fourth Generation Reverse Vending Machines are able to automate the recovery and recycling of thousands of used beverage containers each week.
There are over 100,000 Reverse Vending Machines installed throughout the Globe.
Reverse Vending Videos
1st in the World Light Bulb Machine in IKEA |
1st in the World Light Bulb Machine in IKEA |
1st in the World Light Bulb Machine in IKEA |